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Sunday, March 16, 2014

CVS Trip 3/16/14

Okay friends I am totally stoke to share with you the deal I swung at CVS this afternoon. It was a perfect storm of coupons let me tell ya!

I did two transactions that built off of one another because of the ECBs I earned (ECBs are CVS store coupons). The first deal focused on toilet paper.

I am so glad there was a toilet paper deal because my stock pile was almost gone! Gasp. Shock. Dismay. The promotion for this brand was when you buy $20 worth of the product you will get back $5 in ECBs. Earlier this week, I received an email coupon for $4 off $20 which was perfect for this deal. I almost used it yesterday, but I saw an ad preview and knew if I waited one more day my deal would be that much sweeter.

So here is what I did: I bought (3) at $6.99 each. I used my $4/$20 first and then an extra $5 worth of ECBs I had from an older transaction which were about to expire. Lastly, I topped off the transaction with (3) 75 cents off 1 Qs from today's SS insert. My initial OOP was $10.56, but I got back $5 in ECBs so my final cost was $5.56 for (3) 12 packs of TP (72% savings overall! Woot, Woot!)

On to transaction número dos which was all about diapers! Side note, I can't wait to stop buying these buggers! Soon knock on wood.

So as you can see in the ad, the promotion is get $10 in ECBs when you spend $30. In order to hit that $30 mark, I needed to buy four jumbo packs.

Here is what I did: I bought 4 and used my ECBs from transaction #1 and then a $5/$30 store Q I got from the magic coupon machine. Right there alone, I knocked off $10! It was like I got one of diaper packs for free with two coupons! Holla! Lastly, I added (4) $1.50/1 Qs from the 2/26 P&G insert. My initial OOP was $22.48, but just like transaction #1 I got ECBs---$10 to be exactly so my final OOP was $12.48 for 4 packs to diapers!! Ridiculousness. Never underestimate the power of a mom with a coupon! Am I right?

In the end, I got (3) packs of toilet paper and (4) packs of diapers for $18.04! I saved over $50. Time for me to begin my crazy super saver dance.
 I challenge you to go out and save on something this week. It doesn't matter on what. I can be big or small....just do it! After you have saved come back and let me know about it! Until next time, keep your life simple, but significant. XOXOXO

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